Comments on the article: “depression of the peruvian elderly adult and associated Sociodemographical variables, analysis of endes 2017”
Comentarios sobre el artículo: "Depresión del adulto mayor peruano y variables sociodemográficas asociadas: Análisis de ENDES 2017"
In the article published by Baldeón-Martínez et al1 on depression in the elderly, the authors estimated a prevalence of depression of 14.2% in a probabilistic sample of 4917 people over 60 in our country. The factors associated with this diagnosis were female sex, lack of education, age over 75, live in rural areas and be poor. This study was carried out based on data from the Demographic and Family Health Survey (ENDES) 2017, using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) instrument for the diagnosis of depression. The study presents some strengths such as wide coverage, quality of sampling and detailed and updated information on respondents, especially in socio-demographic aspects.

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