View No. 8 (2021): PLURIVERSIDAD

It is a great pleasure to present the eighth issue of the PLURIVERSIDAD journal, in which renowned researchers publish their academic and intellectual work, offering texts of great quality and originality in different areas of knowledge. The editorial continuity of the Academic Vice-Rectorate is possible thanks to the permanent support of the Rectorate to promote research in our university.

Approximately two years have passed since the beginning of the pandemic and humanity continues to live with fear, suffering and uncertainty in the face of the virus and its multiple strains. Nevertheless, there is a double condition that has simultaneously reemerged in humanity, its capacity to resist, but also its capacity to think and act in solidarity. Values such as love, faith and hope are once more present in our lives. In this sense, we welcome the arrival of this new year 2022 wishing the entire academic community health and fulfillment and encouraging this community to remain committed to the construction of a democratic and ethical society.

Published: 2021-12-31

Original Papers