Comparative study of biochemical health markers, in two groups of university professors of the same age group, 2017

Estudio comparativo de marcadores bioquímicos de salud, en dos grupos etarios de docentes universitarios, 2017


  • Nicanor Domínguez Navarrete
  • Cecilia Rojas Guerrero
  • Carola Chambers Medina


Health of the elderly, Biochemical marker, University professor


Objective: Compare the values of the blood biomakers: uric acid, creatinine, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides, in two groups of university professors apparently healthy. Methods: The first group, formed by 58 professors aged 60 to 64, and the second formed by 35 professors aged 75 to 81, in order to evaluate if there is a significant statistic difference in both groups. Results: The values of uric acid in group I were between 2,50 mg/dL. and 8,20 mg/dL; in groups II were between 2,50 mg/dL and 8,63 mg/dL, showing a significant difference (p=0.035). The values of creatinine in group I were between 0,64 mg/dL and 1,56 mg/dL; and in group II were between 0,80 mg/dL and 1,61 mg/dL., showing a significant difference (p=0.004). The values of glucose in group I were between 63 mg/dL and 188 mg/dL; and in group II were between 60 mg/dL y 297 mg/dL, not showing significant difference (p=0.671). The values of cholesterol in group I were between 125 mg/dL and 265 mg/dL; and in group II were between 107 mg/dL and 244 mg/dL; not showing significant difference (p=0.053). The values of triglycerides in group I were between 58 mg/dL and 507 mg/dL; and in group II were between 68 mg/dL and 314 mg/dL; not showing significant difference (p=0.104). Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the biomarkers of uric acid and creatinine between the age groups; however, there was not found significant difference in the biomarkers of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides between the age groups.



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How to Cite

Domínguez Navarrete, N., Rojas Guerrero, C., & Chambers Medina, C. (2019). Comparative study of biochemical health markers, in two groups of university professors of the same age group, 2017: Estudio comparativo de marcadores bioquímicos de salud, en dos grupos etarios de docentes universitarios, 2017. Revista De La Facultad De Medicina Humana, 19(2), 7. Retrieved from