Francisco García Calderón Landa (Arequipa, April 2, 1834 Lima, September 21, 1905)



Lawyer, politician and diplomat. He was Provisional President of the Republic during the Chilean occupation of Lima (March to November 1881).
He is a notable figure in Peruvian jurisprudence. He is the author of the monumental Dictionary of Peruvian legislation, an important contribution to Peruvian Law, whose first edition (1860-1862, 2 vols. And an appendix); included a detailed analysis of each legal figure, based on the legal doctrine and the legislation then in force. This work deserved in 1862 a gold medal of the Congress. In 1879 it was reissued in Paris. Currently, this edition can be consulted in facsimile, printed in Lima.


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Diccionario de la Legislación Pernana1879 (Lima, 1861-1863, en dos volúmenes y un apéndice; reeditado en París).

Estudios sobre el Banco de Crédito Hipotecario y las leyes de hipoteca1868 Lima.

Plan de hacienda propuesto a la legislatura de18681868 Lima. :

Mediación de los Estados Unidos de Norte América en la guerra del Pacífico1884 Buenos Aires.

Réplica al alegato del Ecuador1896

Proyecto de ley de instrucción aprobado por la comisión nombrada al efecto por el supremo gobierno 1899,

Memorias del cautiverio1949 (edición póstuma).



How to Cite

Rodríguez Chávez, I. (2011). Francisco García Calderón Landa (Arequipa, April 2, 1834 Lima, September 21, 1905). Ius Inkarri, 1(1), 359–360. Retrieved from


