Peer Review


Original and original brief articles, review articles, case reports and special articles will be evaluated by two or more external peer reviewers. The letters to the editor may be reviewed by at least one external reviewer, in addition to the evaluation performed by the editorial team. Only those articles with favorable evaluations and that have resolved the comments sent are published. Likewise, in most cases, there is the support of peer experts in biostatistics and epidemiology who will focus on the methodological aspects of the studies. All revisions must comply with the sending of the signed forms. Reviews are double-blind.

Editorial preliminary review: The journal editor conducts a preliminary review of the manuscript to determine if it meets the basic requirements of the journal, such as appropriate topic, correct format, and quality of content. At this stage, the editor may decide to reject the manuscript without sending it for external review if it is deemed not to meet the minimum standards of the journal.

Assignment of peer reviewers: If the manuscript passes the preliminary review, the editor assigns peer reviewers who are experts in the thematic field of the article. These reviewers are independent academic researchers and generally have relevant experience in the manuscript's topic.

Peer review: Peer reviewers read the manuscript and evaluate its quality, originality, relevance, and methodological validity. They provide detailed and critical feedback to the editor on the manuscript's content and recommend whether it should be accepted, revised, or rejected.

Editorial decisions: Based on the evaluations of the peer reviewers, the editor makes an editorial decision on the manuscript. Common decisions include accepting the manuscript without modifications, accepting it with minor or major revisions, requesting further revision, or rejecting it.

Author notification: The editor notifies the author of the editorial decision, along with the reviewers' comments and suggestions. If revisions are requested, the author can make the necessary modifications and submit a revised version of the manuscript for reconsideration. Publication: Once the manuscript has successfully undergone the peer review process and any additional review processes, it is scheduled for publication in the journal.