Lifestyle Medicine: a field of medicine with deep roots and great potential for the future

La Medicina del Estilo de Vida: un campo de la medicina con profundas raíces y gran potencial para el futuro




Lifestyle Medicine - even though the term only recently started being broadly used – has its roots in ancient Greece, thousands of years ago. Hippocrates (460 – 370 B.C.) was the first one to use the term of Lifestyle Medicine, suggesting that in order for someone to have a good health, they should just “avoid eating excessive amounts of food and try to exercise even a bit”. So, he set the ground for what we call today, Lifestyle Medicine.


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How to Cite

Arkadianos, I. (2021). Lifestyle Medicine: a field of medicine with deep roots and great potential for the future: La Medicina del Estilo de Vida: un campo de la medicina con profundas raíces y gran potencial para el futuro. Revista De La Facultad De Medicina Humana, 22(1).