César Vallejo and Abraham Valdelomar: An encounter and poetry





César Vallejo, Abraham Valdelomar, modernism, Peruvian poetry


When César Vallejo moved to Lima at the end of 1917, he established a fruitful personal as well as literary relationship with Abraham Valdelomar, another famous writer who had published extensively in the periodicals of the time and in some books. Valdelomar was also a poet, and his mature poetry anticipates, in a certain way, the rural and domestic tonality of Vallejo’s more developed early poems. The fraternal friendship between the two writers did not end there; Valdelomar also influenced Vallejo’s poetry, which from that point onwards away from modernism.


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How to Cite

Silva-Santisteban, R. (2022). César Vallejo and Abraham Valdelomar: An encounter and poetry. Archivo Vallejo, 5(10), 241–264. https://doi.org/10.31381/archivoVallejo.v5n10.5320