Mental health, psychological health and behavioral disadjustment




mental health, psychological health, personality adjustment, behavioral maladjustment, standard instruments


The objective of this review study is to make the conceptual demarcation and raise precisions regarding mental and psychological health, and above this highlight the importance of behavior adjustment in the context of psychological health. For this purpose, the concept of health is reviewed within the framework of the health-disease dichotomy; the concept of psychological health is specified; the highlighted elements for the evaluation of physical and psychological health are differentiated and behavioral maladjustment and the main indicators of behavioral maladjustment associated with psychological or mental health are assessed.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Carlessi, H. H. (2022). Mental health, psychological health and behavioral disadjustment. Ciencia Y Psique, 1(1), 13–29.



Research Article