Life expectancies, uncertainty and imbalances in psychosocial behavior as indicators of mental health in three different samples of the population of metropolitan Lima, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic




life expectancies, uncertainty, behavioral imbalances, samples differentiated by age


This is a basic investigation, aimed at identifying the presence of the following variables: life expectancy, uncertainty, and its relationship with six indicators of psychosocial behavior imbalances, in three differentiated samples: young people, adults and older adults, compared to the current situation. of confinement and pandemic by COVID-19. A sample of 349 people residing in Metropolitan Lima and Callao was obtained, to whom the Inventory of Psychosocial Behavior Mismatch 2021 (INDACPS-2021) was applied virtually using a Google questionnaire. In addition to the initial research criteria, which considered samples differentiated by age, the variables sex, educational level, work activity or COVID-19 contagion were also considered. The results made it possible to find differences between the three samples by age, in terms of life expectancy, uncertainty, as well as in the level of behavioral imbalances, considered indicators of mental health of the population.


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How to Cite

Matos Ramírez, P., & Sánchez Carlessi, H. H. (2022). Life expectancies, uncertainty and imbalances in psychosocial behavior as indicators of mental health in three different samples of the population of metropolitan Lima, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ciencia Y Psique, 1(1), 31–66.



Research Article