Peruvian history at the beginning of the viceroyalty and its development in literature in Ricardo Palma’s Tradiciones peruanas




Tradiciones peruanas, history, Peruvian literature, Nueva crónica y buen gobierno, Hacia el reino de los Sciris


This paper will analyze the traditions «La muerte del factor», «El peje chico» and «Las orejas del alcalde», highlighting the historical character of the Traditions, their importance for the history of Peru and pointing out the way in which Ricardo Palma combines literature with history, making a comparison with the style of other Peruvian writers such as the chronicler Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala in his chronicle Nueva crónica y buen gobierno and César Vallejo with his work Hacia el reino de los Sciris.


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How to Cite

Morales Salinas, L. A. (2019). Peruvian history at the beginning of the viceroyalty and its development in literature in Ricardo Palma’s Tradiciones peruanas. El Palma De La Juventud, 1(1), 205–212.