Discrimination of curanderos in the tradition «Las brujas de Ica»


  • Carolina Montalvo Saba Universidad Ricardo Palma, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Lima, Perú




Tradiciones peruanas, «Las brujas de Ica», alternative medicine, discrimination, Holy Inquisition, curanderas


This article will analyse «Las brujas de Ica», a text that forms part of the sixth series of the Tradiciones peruanas, a work by the illustrious writer Ricardo Palma, in which he creates an analogy between two situations separated by time but which are closely related. Firstly, the discrimination or rejection of the Holy Inquisition towards everything that was unknown, especially that related to the medicine of the time, considering it «witchcraft»; and secondly, the current discrimination of the figure of the healer by some doctors, who reject all types of alternative medicine, considering it invalid, lacking sufficient scientific evidence or dangerous.


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How to Cite

Montalvo Saba, C. (2020). Discrimination of curanderos in the tradition «Las brujas de Ica». El Palma De La Juventud, 2(2), 133–145. https://doi.org/10.31381/epdlj.v2i2.4250