The cultural evolution of tobacco in the stories «Tabaco para el rey» and «La cajetilla de cigarros»




Tradiciones peruanas (Peruvian Traditions), smoking, tobacco, prevalence of harmful tobacco use


This article will describe how tobacco culture has changed over time and what are its various applications, whether cultural, medicinal, or harmful, in Peruvian history. To explain this process, the starting point will be the ancient civilizations of some pre-Inca cultures. Similarly, its importance during the colonial and republican periods will be demonstrated, based on the traditions «Tabaco para el rey» and «La cajetilla de cigarros», by Ricardo Palma. Finally, the current situation of smoking will be detailed and a reflection on its harmful prevalence for health will be offered.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Quintana, K. S. (2022). The cultural evolution of tobacco in the stories «Tabaco para el rey» and «La cajetilla de cigarros». El Palma De La Juventud, 4(4), 143–160.