The effect of the intestimable body in Alberto Szpunberg’s work




Alberto Szpunberg, testimony, Argentine poetry, State violence, death flights


Poet and revolutionary militant linked to the armed struggle of the sixties and seventies in Argentina, Alberto Szpunberg (1940-2020) left the country during the last civil-military dictatorship to survive and safeguard his family. Since then, after the experience of exile and the disappearance of his companions, his writing has taken on the task of bearing witness to the genocidal violence exercised by State terrorism. Over the years, Szpunberg’s poetics insistently reworks a question: what transformations in the material world is the presence of a body tortured to death capable of bringing about? In this article, we will dwell on different reinscriptions that the poet makes of the flights of death in order to examine, from the perspective of the affective turn, how this writing configures a testimonial lyric capable of updating the dictatorial barbarism and thus affect the experience of the current time.


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How to Cite

Travela, L. (2022). The effect of the intestimable body in Alberto Szpunberg’s work. El Palma De La Juventud, 4(5), 35–48.