Evidence of pseudohermaphroditism in the tradition «The seven hairs of the devil» and its evolution in medical terminology in Peruvian society





Peruvian traditions, Ricardo Palma, disorders of sexual development, pseudohermaphroditism, doctor­patient relationship


 This article will analyse the multidirectional and reciprocal influence between medicine and society, at a linguistic (terminological) level, which gave rise to the current classification and principles regarding hermaphroditism. It is based on the evidence of pseudo­hermaphroditism and its perception in the tradition «The seven hairs of the devil». In addition, the consequent transformation of the perception of the hermaphrodite patient will be evaluated; and thus also the change in their treatment as well as in the medical interventions that vary depending on the relationship between the patient’s self­perception and the limits set by the World Health Organisation will be evaluated. Finally, a brief review will be made of the current state of the art of the basic criteria of the doctor­patient relationship when treating a person with this condition.


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How to Cite

Gamarra Grandez, B. O. (2023). Evidence of pseudohermaphroditism in the tradition «The seven hairs of the devil» and its evolution in medical terminology in Peruvian society. El Palma De La Juventud, 5(7), 71–84. https://doi.org/10.59885/epdlj.2023.v5n7.04