Analysis of the legislative language in the Code of Ethics of the Federal Public Administration of Mexico: a commitment of the State to equality of conditions?



Code of Ethics of the Federal Public Administration, ethics, public service, administration, interpretation


The wording of normative texts gives us the guideline for the understanding and application of the norm. In this sense, the importance of breadth in its interpretation could imply, on many occasions, a benefit or a problem for legal operators. That is why the proper use of language and the limits given to it allow to comply with the mission and the meaning that the legislator sought to give to the normative text at the time of its creation. That said, this article analyzes the legislative language used in the Code of Ethics of the Federal Public Administration, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of the norm in public servants.


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How to Cite

Torres Gonzalez, M. C. (2023). Analysis of the legislative language in the Code of Ethics of the Federal Public Administration of Mexico: a commitment of the State to equality of conditions?. El Palma De La Juventud, 5(6), 259–276. Retrieved from