The use of metaphors to configure the book as a subversive cultural object in Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and Balzac and the young Chinese seamstress (2000)




Dai Sijie, Ray Bradbury, book, cultural object, metaphor, totalitarianism


This paper hypothesizes that in the novels Fahrenheit 451 (1953) by Ray Bradbury and Balzac and the young Chinese seamstress (2000) by Dai Sijie, the use of metaphors underpins the idea of the book as a subversive «cultural object» in the context of totalitarian governments, where it is forbidden by the institutions of power and, at the same time, is the object of desire for certain subjects. For this reason, these works will be analysed. It will pay special attention to the metaphors, personifications and metonymies used by their authors, in particular, in order to account for the convergences and dissimilarities that can be found.


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How to Cite

Sanchez Sauñe, N. M., & Zuñiga Pimentel, D. (2024). The use of metaphors to configure the book as a subversive cultural object in Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and Balzac and the young Chinese seamstress (2000). El Palma De La Juventud, 6(8), 281–300.