Resilience in buildings with seismic isolators




Seismic isolators, efficiency, uninhabitable, resilience, seismic performance, sustainable


In recent years, the search to increase resilience in buildings has increased in order to provide greater safety and sustainability to cities. The present research used a descriptive-comparative methodology based on the collection of data from scientific articles that collect the seismic responses of conventional buildings and buildings that have isolated seismics. From this, the results obtained in the event of earthquakes and the consequences that arise from not implementing these devices were compared. Within the seismic performance analysis, the responses in acceleration and displacement of isolated and conventional buildings were evaluated and compared. It will be shown that seismic isolators reduce accelerations and displacements, due to the independence that occurs between the base and the superstructure. Finally, the results of the comparison of the seismic performance and the analysis of consequences produced by not implementing these devices are summarized. Therefore, the isolated system provides an efficiency within the seismic performance reducing or avoiding structural damage in buildings, loss of life and habitation times in the event of an earthquake, which in turn increases resilience and reduces the vulnerability of buildings.


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How to Cite

Benites Jessen, F., & Vargas Chang, E. (2021). Resilience in buildings with seismic isolators. Engineering Profiles, 17(17).



Ingeniería Civil