Environment of high uncertainty for the company in peru: the case of hydrocarbon exploration and production





Company, trends, innovation complexity, uncertainty


Today, companies face a competitive environment. The production of new materials and technologies and the crisis caused by the global pandemic by Covid-19 in which the industry, mining, hydrocarbons and universities are immersed, poses new challenges to face the future of a society that demands from public and private companies, education and society in general, commitments in innovation, research and sustainable development of their activities and the environment of ecosystems. In this paper, some aspects of the situation of hydrocarbons at the world and national level and their evolution for the energy security of Peru are presented. Likewise, it seeks to examine the variables related to the macroenvironment of the oil industry and seeks to determine the opportunities that could benefit the company and the threats that must be avoided. Aspects of 2007 are taken as a starting point to later continue investigating new periods. In the same way, it will be evaluated how the projected analyzes have changed in the 2007-2021 period and how uncertainty influences these scenarios.


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How to Cite

Tejada Salinas, G. (2021). Environment of high uncertainty for the company in peru: the case of hydrocarbon exploration and production . Engineering Profiles, 17(17). https://doi.org/10.31381/perfiles_ingenieria.v17i17.4578



Ingeniería Industrial