Publication policies

1.0. Acceptance of originality

2.0. Políticas de acceso abierto

3.0 Interoperability Policies

4.0. Policy for the use of technology and added value to the user

5.0. Advertising, direct marketing and communication policy

6.0. Policies on the use of digital object identifiers

7.0. Digital preservation

8.0. Collection and payment policy

9.0. Editorial process and peer review

10. Response time

11. Publication

12. Post-Publication

13. Self-archiving policies

14. Compliance with open science


1.0. Acceptance of originality

Originality and honesty on the part of the authors, as well as rigor, impartiality, confidentiality and objectivity on the part of the editors and reviewers are, among others, the essential values of the journal. This generates a coherent and respectful network of knowledge for all readers (students, teachers, researchers and any other person interested in social communication topics and related areas), offering them a direct reflection of the quality of the authors' and institutions' manuscripts. involved in the final product (the published article).

If a similarity or literal reproduction of the work is found in other previous publications, the author will be permanently excluded from successive calls and editions of the magazine.

2.0. Open access policies

In order to promote the exchange of global knowledge, Engineering Profiles provides free and immediate access to its content under the principle of free availability of information to the community of researchers, people interested in topics related to engineering and the general public. For this reason, the journal adheres to the Budapest initiative for open access, published in 2002, and is open access, without restrictions on its content (no embargo period), under the principle that collaborative work contributes to global exchange. and production of knowledge, at the service of social development, which allows the user to access, read, download, share, print, save or use any documents and/or information on the Internet without financial, legal or technical barriers. Likewise, it subscribes to the BOAI Declaration 2002 and its subsequent updates and adheres to COPE 's good editorial practices .

Articles published by Perfiles de Ingenería can be shared with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format and adapting (remixing, transforming and building on the material) for any purpose, including commercial purposes.

Free. There are no shipping, postage, processing or publication costs for authors. Readers have free and open access to articles immediately upon publication.

3.0 Interoperability Policies

Perfiles de Ingeniería uses the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) Protocol Version 2.0, which allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content. The path for collectors is:

The journal uses the Open Journal System OJS platform where the following modules are activated:

  • Metadatos Dublin Core 1. Templates and application compatibility.

  • Módulo de indexación Dublin Core.This module integrates Dublin Core meta tags into article views for indexing purposes.

  • Módulo de indexación Dublin Core. Structures the metadata so that they are consistent with the Dublin Core format.

4.0. Policy for the use of technology and added value to the user

The journal's website has efficient navigation on the Open Journal System platform, which allows quick access to articles in a maximum of three clicks.

As an added value, the journal offers users the summary and abstract of the articles in multimedia (mp3); it also promotes the articles, calls for submissions and information related to the journal through academic or scientific information networks or channels such as: mendeley,, blog, linkedin, twitter, among others.

5.0 Advertising, direct marketing and communication policy span>


The journal Perfiles de Ingeniería only carries out advertising that is strictly related to the journal and its articles


All dissemination and promotion of the journal will be communicated through its official channels, which are the following:



OJS: Announcements Section:

Direct marketing:

Perfiles de Ingeniería periodically makes personal invitations to prominent communicators so that they can participate as authors or reviewers. It also makes calls through posters or announcements that are published on its official channels, which are:

In the Announcements Section of the OJS platform.



6.0. Policies on the use of digital object identifiers

All articles accepted and published in the Perfiles de Ingeniería journal are assigned a persistent DOI identifier:

7.0. Digital preservation

The magazine has digital preservation and support policies, through the activation of LOCKSS OJS. LOCKSS Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a secure and permanent archive for journal content.

Open Journal Systems also supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure a permanent and secure archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based on the open source LOCKSS software developed at Stanford University Library, which allows libraries to curate chosen web journals by regularly checking registered journal websites for recently published content and archiving it. Each file is constantly validated against other library caches, and if the content is detected to have been corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal are used to restore it.

The Engineering Profiles magazine of the Faculty of Engineering of the Ricardo Palma University additionally saves and conserves on digital media and external data storage devices , the backup of all the contents of the journal.

8.0. Collection and payment policy

Engineering Profiles is open access, it does not charge readers or their institutions for access. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles to use them for any other lawful purpose. The journal does not charge for sending articles to the authors, the evaluation process and publication of the articles, it follows an editorial policy of free access (this journal can be consulted on the Open Journal System platform).

9.0. Editorial process and peer review


Once the receipt of the article is confirmed, they undergo a first editorial review by the Editor-Director of the journal. The latter may return the articles if they do not comply with the authors' standards, or are not relevant or pertinent to the general theme of the journal. The decision in this instance is final.

Research ethics and plagiarism detection

Once it is verified that the articles conform to the journal's editorial standards, they will go through a plagiarism detection system through specialized software (Turnitin). A report on originality will be generated. Those that exceed 25% will be returned to their authors without starting the review process, informing them of the automatic rejection of the article.

Arbitration system

All articles will be submitted to evaluation by external experts using the “double -blind check ” system . Articles that pass the first two phases of the editorial process are sent to two (or more) researchers and/or teachers who are specialists in the research topic of the proposed article. These researchers play the role of blind referee and issue a report that may have one of the following opinions:

  • The manuscript is ready to be published.

  • Approved with minor corrections: The manuscript requires minor adjustments to be accepted. The authors would have two weeks to address the adjustments and then resubmit a new, corrected version.

  • Approved with major correction: The manuscript requires significant adjustments to be accepted. The authors would have four weeks to address the adjustments and then resubmit a new, corrected version. The Editor may ask the authors if they are willing to correct the article and, if not, may reject the manuscript at this time.

  • The manuscript is not suitable for publication according to the scientific quality standards of the Journal and therefore must be rejected.

These reports are sent to the author so that he can make the pertinent corrections Attached Format of Evaluation).

Once the reviewers' observations and comments are corrected, the articles must be resubmitted and the Editor-Director will verify the incorporation of the improvements. If these have been taken into consideration, the article is approved for publication.

10. Response time

The authors receive a response indicating the result of the evaluation of their article in an average of 4 to 8 months from the submission of the manuscript. Authors can track their article through the OJS platform and can make queries through the journal's email.

11. Publication

After collecting observations and scope, the articles are diagrammed in PDF format for publication in the corresponding issue. The articles present the dates of receipt, acceptance and publication on the first page.

12. Post-Publication

Once the article is published, it is suggested that the authors guarantee the dissemination of their manuscript through the media so that their work reaches a wider audience. Some recommendations are the following: upload your article to ResearchGate,, Mendeley, among others.

13. Self-archiving policies

The author can share, disseminate and disseminate his published manuscripts through the different media (academic social networks, repositories and portals) available on the web.

During the editorial review process, the journal will deliver to the author the previous versions (post-print) which should NOT be disclosed by any means of dissemination, it is only for personal (private) use and for final approval purposes.

After the publication of the articles, the authors may make other types of independent agreements, as long with the respective reference that the manuscript has been published for the first time in this magazine.

14. Compliance with open science

The journal is linked to open science practices. Using a form, authors are informed about Open Science communication practices.