A preliminary study of psychometric properties and gender differences of the Invalidating Child Environment Scale (ICES) in Peruvian adults





Invalidating Children’s Environment Scale (ICES), psychometric properties, emotional invalidation, gender differences, Peruvian adults


Invalidating contexts in child and adolescent stages are environments that promote difficulties in regulating emotions in the person’s future. The Invalidating Child Environment Scale (ICES) is a tool that allows the identification of indicators associated with experiences of emotional invalidation on the part of both parents. This research aimed to adapt and identify the psychometric properties of the ICES scale in Peruvian adults. A preliminary study of instrumental design was developed, with the participation of 200 people who presented biparental (mother and father) upbringing as the main inclusion criterion. Validity evidence linked to the content was obtained through the review of 10 expert judges and statistically significant Aiken's V coefficients. The exploratory factor analysis determined a latent structure of two factors for the ICES test. Evidence of convergent and divergent validity was estimated through correlations with the scores of a test that assesses emotion regulation processes. Significant Omega internal consistency coefficients were obtained for each dimension of the test. Finally, percentile norms were developed for assessment purposes. It is concluded that ICES is an instrument that has psychometric properties in accordance with current standards of validation and psychometric adaptation.


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How to Cite

Okumura Clark, A., Huertas Mantilla, L. P., & Pérez Moscoso, C. (2023). A preliminary study of psychometric properties and gender differences of the Invalidating Child Environment Scale (ICES) in Peruvian adults. Ciencia Y Psique, 2(2), 39–66. https://doi.org/10.59885/cienciaypsique.2023.v2n2.02



Research Article