Group mindfulness for the control of academic stress in students of a private university in Metropolitan Lima




academic stress, mindfulness, university students


The third generation of the cognitive-behavioral approach welcomed and incorporated cultural practices that were later adapted, one of them was mindfulness, this technique was adapted in a program format, in a group manner for the purposes of this research, taking the philosophical precedents on awareness. to live in the present, here and now; the awareness of our own body through breathing, meditation and calm; the identification of sensations, thoughts and emotions that generate stress; stretching exercises with variants such as standing, walking, lying down, full attention and also the testimony of the participants about the experience; among other. The variant of doing it in a participatory and group way strengthened the control of academic stress validated by expert judges with a control group of a quasi-experimental nature applied to a sample of university students, having been evaluated in the first instance pre-test and later post-test by administering the Inventory. SISCO of Academic Stress, having obtained results that confirmed the research hypothesis raised with high significant differences p < .001.


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How to Cite

Tapia Amaya, P. E. (2023). Group mindfulness for the control of academic stress in students of a private university in Metropolitan Lima. Ciencia Y Psique, 2(3), 101–116.



Research Article