Self-esteem, emotional dependence, and jealousy: an explanatory model in Peruvian university students




self-esteem, emotional dependence, jealousy, university students, Peru


Emotional dependence is characterized by an extreme emotional need of the partner expressed in behaviors aimed at seeking attention and avoiding unpleasant feelings, such as fear of loneliness or separation anxiety. Jealousy is a behavior whose frequency and intensity are related to the degree of emotional dependence, as it denotes feelings of insecurity facing the potential threat of losing the emotional bond with the partner. In both cases, the literature suggests that self-esteem plays an important role in the dynamic between emotional dependence and jealousy. The objective of this research is to postulate an explanatory model where the relationship between emotional dependence and jealousy is recognized, and self-esteem is proposed as a predictor of both variables among Peruvian undergraduate students. A cross-sectional design was used in a sample of 819 university students with partners, 37.73% men and 62.27% women. The instruments used were the following: Rosenberg self-esteem scale, emotional communication scale in romantic relationships (jealousy subscale) and emotional dependence scale. Constructs were modeled using confirmatory factor analysis, and factor scores were used in path analysis as part of structural equation modeling. The results indicate that self-esteem is a moderate predictor of emotional dependence and, to a lesser extent, jealousy; while emotional dependence presents a moderate relationship with jealousy, even after controlling the effect of self-esteem. In conclusion, the results represent evidence that supports intervention on self-esteem as an alternative to mitigate the degree of severity of emotional dependence, as well as the indirect reduction of the intensity and frequency of jealousy among university students.


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How to Cite

Oyanguren-Casas, N. A., Reyes-González, A. A. I., & Zegarra-López, A. C. (2023). Self-esteem, emotional dependence, and jealousy: an explanatory model in Peruvian university students. Ciencia Y Psique, 2(3), 117–137.



Research Article