The Teaching methodologies based on behavioural analysis applied to children with autistic spectrum disorder




educational methodology, teaching, applied behavioural analysis, autism spectrum disorder


The applied behavioural analysis (ABA) studies observable and measurable behaviour, describing it through the contingency of three components: antecedent, behaviour and consequence. In addition, over the years, new methodologies based on the principles of applied behaviour analysis have emerged. This has been aimed at teaching socially meaningful skills to people with learning difficulties and neurodevelopmental disorders, emphasising its application in early intervention in children with autism. This article makes a theoretical review of these educational methodologies, such as discrete trial training, natural context teaching, incidental teaching, positive behavioural support, pivotal response treatment, the Denver model of early care and the comprehensive application of behavioural analysis in education. In that sense, a comprehensive view of ABA-derived educational methodologies is provided, supporting their efficacy through empirical evidence and highlighting the importance of individualised early intervention, according to the abilities and needs of each individual, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration in optimising intervention outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. These findings contribute to the understanding and continued application of ABA-based approaches in clinical and educational practice.


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How to Cite

Colonna Sotomayor, A. L., & Albújar Sánchez, P. A. (2024). The Teaching methodologies based on behavioural analysis applied to children with autistic spectrum disorder. Ciencia Y Psique, 3(4), 123–141.



Research Article