The aura of translation and other cultural processes of transcreation in Alberto Hidalgo’s Arenga lírica al emperador de Alemania (1916)




Alberto Hidalgo, Peruvian poetry, literary transcreation, translation


This article addresses the criterion of translation as a discourse simultaneous to the processes of literary creation. In this sense, we take into consideration Walter Benjamin’s concept of «aura», the category of transcreation, and the context of the Peruvian avant-garde and how this was profiled through the poet Alberto Hidalgo (1897- 1967). Likewise, we use as an object of reading his work Arenga lírica al emperador de Alemania (1916), the Peruvian writer’s first collection of poems.


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Hidalgo, A. (1916). Arenga lírica al emperador de Alemania. Tipografía Quiroz Hnos.

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How to Cite

Yufra, J. W. (2022). The aura of translation and other cultural processes of transcreation in Alberto Hidalgo’s Arenga lírica al emperador de Alemania (1916). El Palma De La Juventud, 4(5), 75–87.