Education and accessibility for people with disabilities




right, accessibility, education, disability, human rights


Education is a starting point to access and understand as individuals and society to the great changes we experience daily, especially when we talk about scientific, technological, and humanistic progress. However, we cannot speak of the universality of a right if we fail to guarantee it to all sectors of the population, especially to groups in vulnerable situations. This notion becomes fundamental when we considering the context of disability, since about 15% of the world's population - 1.3 billion people, which is approximately the population of China - constitute a sector that is not very visible and needs to be addressed.

Therefore, this essay seeks to clarify some conceptual generalities about the binomial right-education and the need for it to respond more effectively to the dynamic demands of the different social sectors. With this in mind, we will stick to the normative, institutional, and judicial analysis of the Mexican case in order to generate a scheme or roadmap that can be applied and expanded for the particular study of inclusive and accessible education in other countries.


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How to Cite

Guerrero García, D. (2024). Education and accessibility for people with disabilities. Ius Inkarri, 13(15), 285–299.



Research Articles